Friday, September 16, 2011

Summer Part 1

We have had a fun summer.  I have been great at taking pictures, but bad at posting. So here is a mega post catching you up to date.  For six weeks we moved down to the beautiful San Diego. It was amazing living right on the cliffs at the beach at Point Loma Nazarene University. Josh is going through his Masters in Biology program there. And we lived on campus for the summer program and we will be there next summer, oh darn :)   

 One of our views of the beach! We loved getting dinner and sitting here to watch the sunset while we ate. 

Eli got good at the Wii

 PLNU campus, I began wondering why I didn't go to school here, amazing views!

 Eli loves the outdoors

 We visited the USS Midway aircraft carrier.

 Thank you Nana for fun stickers to play with!

There was a great park we went to almost daily.  Loved this picture of the two of them watching Eli. 
Evie Girl (Evangeline) loves her Daddy!


  1. The kids have gotten SO big! They are too cute! Wow, San fun. Love ya!

  2. Thanks! They have gotten big, it is fun putting Eli's baby clothes on Leo. I can't believe he will be 5 soon.
