Monday, January 2, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Projet 365

Happy New Year and new beginnings:)  I have loved that so many of my friends did the 365 project last year. I wanted to do it, but knew having a little baby and this project would be too much. Well, I am taking it on this year.  I can't wait till the end and to be able to look back on all our family memories. Whoever began this idea is awesome!

In honor of New Year's day here is Philippians 3:13-14

I have many goals for this new year. A few are reading through the bible this year and not giving up, doing this project 365, drinking more water (less coffee and diet coke), and striving to be more of a morning person (I know I will fail at this but it will be a work in progress).

What are your goals?

Christmas pictures are yet to come!