Balboa Park is beautiful! Loved walking around and going to the museum's.
Prankster Josh loves to scare the kids, here he is acting like he is going to push Eli in the pond.
I wish I got Eli's face of terror.

Evie has a band aid on her chin from falling at the park and busting her chin open. I freaked out as she screamed and got up with blood all down her neck and shirt. My heart sank and I had nothing to clean her up. We headed back to the apartment where I was able to clean her up and later went to the emergency room for some superglue. I am glad she didn't need stitches. Then her nickname was Chin Strap Evie Girl.
Leo looks a little scared with Evie, I was laughing so hard as I took that picture.

We had a family hike on the PLNU campus. There was this plant that you can lick the leaves and it was like sour candy. We all tried some and laughed at each others sour faces.
There were these beautiful flowers and this picture doesn't do it justice. They sparkled like jewels in the sunlight. I wished I had a maro lens to really show you how they sparkled.
My baby boy! Love to take his pictures and capture his big blue eyes. I think he might have me wrapped around his finger.

So being so far away from home and not many friends I had to get creative with the kids. We had a TP play day. We made mummies and then it turned into pirates with bandanas. One roll of TP can give lots of fun for a 4 and 2 year old.
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